We are a service-oriented company specialising in DevOps and Security. Most of our clients are in the FinTech and e-Commerce sectors, primarily based in the USA, UK, and Europe. We collaborate with small and medium-sized businesses to enhance the efficiency and speed of their IT development and deployment while strengthening their data security and cyber resiliency.
2ops was founded by two Ukrainians with technical backgrounds and extensive experience working with various companies, including major enterprises from the Fortune Global 500. We take pride in our team and aim to foster a collaborative, knowledgeable and supportive environment. Our goal is to assist our customers in overcoming business challenges by leveraging emerging technologies and unique skills. We forge trustworthy, professional, and long-lasting relationships with our clients.
Customer Satisfaction Rate
1 mln+
Cost savings
Hours to get a result
Years experience
Our Values
Professionalism and accountability
Recognition of both professional and personal achievements
Commitment to enhancing the quality of products, services, and professional skills
Environmental responsibility
Adaptability to change
Our Roadmap
2024, May
The company was founded
2024, August
Our First Project and Top Rated and 100% Job Success Badges at Upwork
2024, September
Our First Long-Term client with needs to cover DevOps and Security needs
2024, October
First talent joined as part of our team
2024, November
The first partnership with software development service company
13+ years of experience in FinTech and eCommerce domains